My idea to build a site or application that could keep track of your budget on a monthly or bi-weekly basis. Let's say you have a budget of $200 a month. The application will help you find the cheapest places to find gas, restaurants (promotional menu items, buy one get one free, etc), groceries, entertainment venues that could help you save money. There are websites that list cheap gas or restaurants, but my idea is to help you save and have all these listings available when you set your budget without you having to search multiple websites & do calculations yourself.
The more ambitious project was awareness for human trafficking. Maybe using a means of Mobile TV to share the information. Trafficking victims are used for prostitution, domestic services, mail-order brides, and low wage labor in agricultural settings. You would be surprised to know that Gwinnett County is actually top in sex trafficking. For more information visit these sites.
My idea was a lot like Ivy's except it was for fundraising for events and organizations such as Breast Cancer and the Breast cancer 3-day through second life.